
AERO-GREEN Specialty Cleaners

Aero-Green 4065 Ready-to-Use Aircraft Cleaner

AERO-GREEN is a READY-TO-USE aircraft and helicopter cleaner for the removal of soils from painted and unpainted surfaces.

will remove carbonaceous soils including exhaust deposits, oily soot and other oxidized organic fluids associated with jet engine and helicopter operations. Certified to McDonnell Douglas CSD #1.

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Aero-Green 4035 Runway Rubber Remover

Aero-Green cleaning solution emulsifies the rubber from the runway surface and dissolves the rubber residue into the cleaning solution. This solution is very cost effective and has an application rate of one 55 gallon drum per 25,000 square feet of surface to be cleaned.

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Aero-Green 4025 Pressure Washing Solution

The airport environment is harsh, and it takes its toll on buildings and high-traffic areas. Aero-Green 4025 Pressure Washing solution will keep your airport facility looking clean and appealing.

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Aero-Green 4015 Exterior Surface Cleaner

AERO-GREEN 4015 Exterior Aircraft Cleaner is a concentrated aircraft cleaner designed for use on commercial aircraft, military aircraft and helicopters for the removal of soils from painted and unpainted surfaces.

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Aero-Green 4175 Ink & Coating Remover

Aero-Green 4175 Ink & Coating Remover is designed to remove various inks (solvent, oil and water-based), adhesives, paints, coatings and varnishes in cleaning equipment, machines and floor cleaning process.

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Aero-Green 4160 Parts Washing Degreaser

Aero-Green 4160 Parts Washing Degreaser is an excellent water based cleaning agent for use in cold parts washers and heated spray cabinets washers for cleaning of aviation weapons systems, engine support equipment components and automotive components

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Aero-Green 4150 Immersion Degreaser

Aero-Green: is excellent water based cleaning agent for use in heated immersion tanks, ultrasonic degreasers, parts washers and heated spray cabinets washers for cleaning of aviation weapons systems, engine support equipment components and automotive components.

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Aero-Green 4110 Paint Prep

Aero-Green 4110 Paint Prep is a safe, environmentally preferred, residue free paint-prep cleaner that out-performs solvents in a wipe on wipe off cleaning application to prepare surfaces for paint.

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Hi-Lite Solutions Welcomes Bobbie Pettit
John McNeely, President, Hi-Lite Solutions, Inc., Clear Brook, V...
Hi-Lite Solutions Opens New Facility in Virginia
Hi-Lite Solutions, Inc., manufacturer of environmentally preferr...
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Hi-Lite Solutions
1285 Brucetown Road
P.O. Box 0399
Clear Brook, VA 22624-0399

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