
Airport Runway Cleaning

Contractor’s Equipment/Materials for Procedure:

  • Applicator Vehicle/Vacuum Truck, with a 440 gallon holding tank and pressurized  front bumper mounted spray system and a regentitive air sweeper with a 9.6 cubic yard collection hopper. The large hopper minimizes offloading. This unit is equipped with two 44” diameter steel digger brooms that are hydraulically driven and free floating.
  • Scrubber Water Truck. This vehicle is custom built with a 6000 gallon water tank, high pressure, high volume water pumps capable of 12” to 6’ wide paths, adjustable speeds below 30 feet per minute, adjustable pressure ranges, speed controlled rotating spray bars, and custom stainless steel spray nozzles. These features allow our technicians to implement appropriate dwell times and pressure and nozzle sizes to adequately, effectively and safely remove rubber deposits and contaminates from the runway surface.
  • Aero-Green cleaning solution which emulsifies the rubber from the runway surface and dissolves the rubber residue into the cleaning solution. This solution is very cost effective and has an application rate of one 55 gallon drum per 25,000 square feet of surface to be cleaned. Aero-Green is “readily biodegradable” and passes USEPA 796.3200. It is a non-hazardous, non-flammable, non-combustible solution and ships under the Class 55, Non-Hazardous classification. It is certified for use on aircraft surfaces and passes the McDonnell Douglas CSD #1 for Hydrogen Embrittlement, Sandwich Corrosion, and Stress Crazing. This insures metal safety to aircraft landing gear, runway lighting systems and runway cleaning equipment.  It contains no caustic ingredients, such as sodium/potassium hydroxide or terpenes such as d-limonene that would be caustic to metals, hazardous to employees and not environmentally compatible. Aero-Green is residue free and will not leave and residue on the surface that reconstitutes with rain, which poses a danger to landing aircraft, runway equipment, runway lighting systems and airport personnel. It is compatible with oil/water separators and wastewater treatment systems.
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Hi-Lite Solutions
1285 Brucetown Road
P.O. Box 0399
Clear Brook, VA 22624-0399

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